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Create the openxlsx workbook where data tables are added.


  covertab = NULL,
  contentstab = NULL,
  notestab = NULL,
  autonotes = NULL,
  definitionstab = NULL,
  fontnm = "Arial",
  fontcol = "black",
  fontsz = 12,
  fontszst = 14,
  fontszt = 16,
  title = NULL,
  creator = NULL,
  subject = NULL,
  category = NULL



Define whether a cover page is required (optional)


Define whether a contents page is required (optional)


Define whether a notes page is required (optional)


Define whether automated listing of notes associated with a table is required (optional)


Define whether a definitions page is required (optional)


Define the font name used in the final output (optional)


Define the font colour used in the final output (optional)


Define the general font size used in the final output (optional)


Define the font size for subtitles used in the final output (optional)


Define the font size for titles used in the final output (optional)


Define the title to go into the document information in the final output (optional)


Define the creator to go into the document information in the final output (optional)


Define the subject to go into the document information in the final output (optional)


Define the category to go into the document information in the final output (optional)


A workbook called zzz_wb_zzz will appear in the global environment. Necessary R packages will be installed.


The workbook function creates a new workbook with the required metadata worksheets and defines the workbook's font name, colour and sizes. All parameters are optional and preset. If a cover page, contents page, notes page or definitions page are required then set the parameter to "Yes" when calling the function. autonotes is required if a line is wanted towards the top of the worksheet which lists all the note numbers associated with the worksheet (set to "Yes" if wanted). Default font is Arial with a black colour and size ranging from 12 to 16 - change if want to when calling the function. title, creator, subject and category refer to the document information properties displayed in the final Excel workbook.


   covertab = "Yes", contentstab = "Yes", notestab = "Yes", definitionstab = "Yes", 
   autonotes = "Yes", 
   title = "Fuel consumption and aspects of car design and performance for various cars",
   creator = "An organisation")
   title = "Fuel consumption and aspects of car design and performance for various cars C",
   subtitle = "Cars",
   extraline1 = "Link to contents",
   extraline2 = "Link to notes",
   extraline3 = "Link to definitions",
   sheetname = "Table_3", table_data = dummydf, tablename = "thirdtable", headrowsize = 40,
   numdatacols = c(2:8,11:13), numdatacolsdp = c(1,0,1,0,2,1,2,0,0,3),
   othdatacols = c(9,10), columnwidths = "specified",
   colwid_spec = c(18,18,18,15,17,15,12,17,12,13,23,22,12))

accessibletablesR::addnote(notenumber = "note1", 
   notetext = "Google is an internet search engine", applictabtext = "All", linktext1 = "Google",
               linktext2 = "") 


accessibletablesR::adddefinition(term = "Usual resident", 
   definition = "A usual resident is anyone who, on Census Day, 21 March 2021 was in the UK and 
                 had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period of 12 months or more, or 
                 had a permanent UK address and was outside the UK and intended to be outside the
                 UK for less than 12 months.")


  title = "Fuel consumption and aspects of car design and performance for various cars",
  intro = "Some made up data about cars",
  about = "The output of an example of how to use accessibletablesR",
  source = "R mtcars",
  relatedlink = "",
  relatedtext = "mtcars: Motor trend car road tests",
  dop = "26 October 2023",
  blank = "There should be no blank cells",
  names = "Your name",
  email = "",
  phone = "01111 1111111111111",
  reuse = "Yes", govdept = NULL)
accessibletablesR::savingtables("D:/mtcarsexample.xlsx", odsfile = "Yes", deletexlsx = "No")
#> Warning: cannot create file 'D:/mtcarsexample.xlsx', reason 'No such file or directory'
#> Error in odsconvertr::convert_to_ods(filename): File not found