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Add a definition of a term relevant to the workbook.


adddefinition(term, definition, linktext1 = NULL, linktext2 = NULL)



Term to be defined


Definition of term


Text to appear in place of link associated with definition (optional)


Link associated with definition (optional)


A dataframe containing all information associated to definitions.


adddefinition function will add a definition and its description to the workbook, specifically in the definitions worksheet. Add definitions if wanted, if not then do run the adddefinition function. term and definition are compulsory parameters. A link can be added with each definition. linktext1 and linktext2: linktext1 should be the text you want to appear and linktext2 should be the underlying link to a website, file etc.


   covertab = "Yes", contentstab = "Yes", notestab = "Yes", definitionstab = "Yes", 
   autonotes = "Yes", 
   title = "Fuel consumption and aspects of car design and performance for various cars",
   creator = "An organisation")
   title = "Fuel consumption and aspects of car design and performance for various cars C",
   subtitle = "Cars",
   extraline1 = "Link to contents",
   extraline2 = "Link to notes",
   extraline3 = "Link to definitions",
   sheetname = "Table_3", table_data = dummydf, tablename = "thirdtable", headrowsize = 40,
   numdatacols = c(2:8,11:13), numdatacolsdp = c(1,0,1,0,2,1,2,0,0,3),
   othdatacols = c(9,10), columnwidths = "specified",
   colwid_spec = c(18,18,18,15,17,15,12,17,12,13,23,22,12))

accessibletablesR::addnote(notenumber = "note1", 
   notetext = "Google is an internet search engine", applictabtext = "All", linktext1 = "Google",
               linktext2 = "") 


accessibletablesR::adddefinition(term = "Usual resident", 
   definition = "A usual resident is anyone who, on Census Day, 21 March 2021 was in the UK and 
                 had stayed or intended to stay in the UK for a period of 12 months or more, or 
                 had a permanent UK address and was outside the UK and intended to be outside the
                 UK for less than 12 months.")


  title = "Fuel consumption and aspects of car design and performance for various cars",
  intro = "Some made up data about cars",
  about = "The output of an example of how to use accessibletablesR",
  source = "R mtcars",
  relatedlink = "",
  relatedtext = "mtcars: Motor trend car road tests",
  dop = "26 October 2023",
  blank = "There should be no blank cells",
  names = "Your name",
  email = "",
  phone = "01111 1111111111111",
  reuse = "Yes", govdept = NULL)
accessibletablesR::savingtables("D:/mtcarsexample.xlsx", odsfile = "Yes", deletexlsx = "No")
#> Warning: cannot create file 'D:/mtcarsexample.xlsx', reason 'No such file or directory'
#> Error in odsconvertr::convert_to_ods(filename): File not found